Electric and Hybrid Cars
Electric and Hybrid Cars - The Wave of The Future We've been waiting forever for electric cars to come along, but after more false starts than you'll see at the London Olympics this year, it looks like the electric car is finally here to stay. Now, we need to start with some boring terminology: An actual electric car (EV, for Electric Vehicle) has no petrol engine as backup, so you are reliant on the batteries having enough charge to get you to where you need to go. The Nissan Leaf is the best-known (and best) electric car currently on sale. A regular hybrid uses an electric and a petrol motor, depending on the circumstances. You don't plug it into a wall socket as the batteries charge while driving. A typical journey, even short, will use electric and petrol power to drive the wheels. The Toyota Prius is the most popular and best-known hybrid on sale worldwide. related articles : cars similar to jeep wrangler A plug-in hybrid, "range-extending" electric car, is...